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Ms. Ford received the honor of being named Teacher of the Year for 2018-2019 school year.

District News

Student showing award and certificate from a local science fair

70 Students from Dothan City Schools now move onto the Regional Science Fair.

DOTHAN, Ala. – Students from across the Dothan City Schools district have a reason to celebrate! DCS high school and middle school students, along with students in grades 4 and 5 brought home numerous awards at the Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine Wiregrass District Science Fair on Wednesday. DCS students competed with students from surrounding schools.

Categories for the competition included bio-medical engineering, chemistry, Earth and environmental sciences, engineering technology, robotics and communication technology, and more. Ninety-seven projects were judged as part of the ACOM District Science Fair. Of the schools participating, Dothan City Schools students brought home the most awards!  Thirty-eight DCS projects placed in respective categories involving 70 students from Dothan City Schools. This group of students will now move onto the regional science fair.

"This event gave students the opportunity to exercise their knowledge of science and other scientific disciplines,” Dr. Mark Dunaway, Instructional Math Coach, said. Dunaway has worked with the district's science fair for several years now.

“By accepting this challenge, students were able to dive deeper into the scientific method and understand the ‘why’ behind their research and findings. While some students may have found the process a bit time-consuming in the beginning, the benefits of participating certainly outweighed the challenges. We are extremely proud of all the students who participated and say congratulations to the winners from all of our schools!” Dunaway said.

The ACOM District Science Fair winners from Dothan City Schools are as follows:

5th Grade and Below: Material Sciences and Energy
3rd Place Selma Street
Project: Absorbing Water
Ryleigh Henderson
2nd Place Selma Street
Project: Colling Efficiency
Londyn Johnson
1st Place Selma Street
Project: We Wear Pink Lipstick on Wednesday
Zoey Mulberry
5th Grade and Below: Engineering Technology
3rd Place Carver MST
Project: Parachutes
Malain Hunt, Charlie Casper, Chloe Kirkland
2nd Place Carver MST
Project: Paper Airplanes
Gracie Cook, Jayce Hatcher, Tristan Roberson
1st Place Girard Elementary
Project: Hot Air Balloon
Jamiyah Howard, Brooklyn Davis
5th Grade and Below: Chemistry
2nd Carver MST
Project: To Kill a Weed
Brett Renaud and Charles Burgamy
5th Grade and Below: Earth & Environmental Sciences
3rd Place Selma Street
Project: Does Starting Temperature of Water Effect Time to Freeze
Abigail Erba
2nd Place Jerry Lee Faine Elementary
Project: Saltwater Density
Starlisha Clayton, Karson Griffin, Jamari Casey
1st Place Carver MST
Project: Composting
Cruz Robertson, Khali Rogers, Avery Bigham
5th Grade and Below: Animal, Plant, Computational & Bioinformatics Sciences
2nd Place Highlands Elementary
Project: Plant Race
Arya Morse, Sara Kate Tompkins
5th Grade and Below: Medicine, Health & Translational Medical Sciences
3rd Place Jerry Lee Faine Elementary
Project: Uncovering Hidden Sugars in Your Foods
Lathan Jackson
1st Place Selma Street
Project: Teeth Terminators
La’Kendra Pride and Jurnee Baker
5th Grade and Below: Behavioral & Social Sciences
2nd Place Jerry Lee Faine Elementary
Project: Reflexes: Boys vs Girls
Ericka Williams and SaNiyah Warren
5th Grade and Below: Cell, Molecular, Microbiology & Biochemistry
2nd Place Heard Elementary
Project: How Bacteria Grows in Your Home
Talia Johnson
1st Place Highlands Elementary
Project: Finger Print Science
London Sampson
6th Grade and Higher: Chemistry
3rd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: So Gone Bad Apples
Gabrielle Saffold
2nd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: Stop and Smell the Roses
Kamilla Watford and Reagan Bass
1st Place Dothan High School
Project: Clean Skin Mission
Alexis Saffold
6th Grade and Higher: Physics, Astronomy & Mathematics
1st Place Carver MST
Project: Bounce for Your Buck
Ady Green and Addison Harden
6th Grade and Higher: Engineering Technology
2nd Place Carver MST
Project: Cat Walk
Anne Mustin
6th Grade and Higher: Material Sciences & Energy
2nd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: Crazy Plane
Karen Miller and Sophie Carthon
1st Place Carver MST
Project: Magnets vs Temperature
Kamryn Peterman and Jaiden Ware
6th Grade and Higher: Medicine, Health & Translational Medical Sciences
2nd Place Carver MST
Project: Egg Pop
Lily Hurley
6th Grade and Higher: Earth & Environmental Sciences & Environmental Engineering
3rd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: Where Should You Store Your Batteries
Brody Peters and Bryson Churchill
2nd Place Carver MST
Project: Water Purification
Remington Siemens and Forrest Bell
1st Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: Which Paper Towel Brand is the Best
Taylor Barron and Amelia Bradford
6th Grade and Higher: Animal, Plant, Computational & Bioinformatics Sciences
2nd Place Carver MST
Project: Bird Feeder Frenzy
Lorelei Vasquez, Alivia Medelz, and Ivey Mathis
1st Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: The Blossom Project
Keirsten Saulsberry and Jalonni McMillon
6th Grade and Higher: Robotics Systems & Communication Technology
3rd Place Dothan 6th Grade Center
Project: Robotic Arm Challenge
Adriel Amoroto, Josiah Reeves, and Trevor Parker
2nd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: A Coding Vision
Parker Leggett
1st Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: TB-65Z
Karson Cullen and Lachlan Owens
6th Grade and Higher: Behavioral & Social Sciences
3rd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: Tune In, Zone Out
Calleigh Mitchell and Vada Stevens
2nd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: Gender Stereotypical Colors
Phi Tran
1st Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: A.I. Responses
Ashlea Abraham, Grace Palmer, and Esther Orozco
6th Grade and Higher: Cell, Molecular, Microbiology & Biochemistry
3rd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: Pee Power: Using Urine in a Microbial Fuel Cell
Brooke Baker and Blakely Sheppard
2nd Place Dothan Preparatory Academy
Project: What are We Eating
Allyson Chavez and Taylor Fryer
1st Place Dothan Preparatory Academ
Project: Fizz or Fizzle the Great Bubble Debate
Lennon Strickland and Jenna Mitchell

Dothan City Schools appreciates the long-standing partnership with ACOM, and DCS extends its heartfelt appreciation to Dr. Christina Kennedy, Director of Community Partnerships at ACOM.  She and her staff provide valuable mentoring services to DCS students. Dothan City Schools wishes to thank ACOM for organizing the district science fair.

Winners will now move on to participate in the Regional Science Fair at Auburn University at Montgomery in mid-March. For the first time, Auburn University at Montgomery has extended an invitation to 4th and 5th graders to participate in this year’s Regional Science Fair.

The Alabama Science and Engineering State Fair will take place at Auburn University in early April.



A group of students standing in from of a governing body.

Dothan Tech was honored as part of Career and Technical Education Month.

DOTHAN, Ala. – The Dothan City Commission recognized Alabama Career and Technical Education Month as several Dothan City Schools students represented their respective programs Tuesday at the City Commission meeting. 

The recognition came as the school district celebrates the overwhelming success of the career and technical education programs offered through Dothan Tech, Dothan Preparatory Academy, and Carver 9th Grade Academy. Dothan City Schools currently offers 18 career and technical education programs.

Individuals in a group setting, representing community and shared purpose.

Mayor Mark Saliba read a proclamation, highlighting skills that CTE students continue to gain through the programs at Dothan City Schools. Students have an opportunity to explore their career options in various courses, earn advanced diplomas and credentials, and receive college credit.

Many of the students who complete their CTE program at DCS move into the local workforce upon graduation.

To learn more about Alabama CTE Month, contact Ryan Richards at


Visual identity for Career and Technical Education Month, promoting awareness of career and technical education month..

The month-long celebration recognizes the 18 career and technical programs offered at Dothan City Schools.

DOTHAN, Ala. – Students and faculty in the 18 career and technical education programs at Dothan Tech, Dothan Preparatory Academy and Carver 9th Grade Academy will celebrate Alabama Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month on February 1-28, 2025.
Through this month-long celebration, we ask our community to join us throughout our virtual recognition by engaging and learning more about the critical role career and technical education plays in the future career success of our students and its importance to their academic achievement.
 “We hope to showcase to our community about the many things going on within our Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses across the district,” said Dr. Keith Bland, Principal at Dothan High School. “We want everyone to understand the level of skills students gain in our programs and how we are preparing young people to be productive career professionals and community leaders.”
Currently, two out of every three high school students in Alabama participate in a career and technical education program. Students have an opportunity to explore their career options in various courses, earn advanced diplomas and credentials, and receive college credit.
According to the Association for Career and Technical Education, research shows that many of the country’s fastest-growing occupations require the technical, communication, time management, and leadership skills taught in America’s career and technical education programs.
Research also shows that among high school graduates entering the workforce, those with a technical education background earn more than those without this advantage.
To learn more about Alabama CTE Month or how your business can get involved, contact Ryan Richards at
Dothan City Schools has a total of 18 CTE programs between Dothan Preparatory Academy (DPA), Carver 9th Grade Academy and Dothan Tech. The majority of our programs are located at Dothan Tech.
●        Agriscience
●        Army JROTC
●        Automotive Technology (Dual Enrollment with Wallace Community College)
●        Aviation Maintenance (Dual Enrollment with Alabama Aviation College, a division of Enterprise State Community College)
●        Biomedical Science
●        Building Construction
●        Business
●        Cosmetology and Spa Techniques
●        Culinary Arts
●        Computer Technician (Dual Enrollment with Wallace Community College)
●        Education & Training - Early Childhood
●        Graphic Arts
●        Health Science
●        HVAC (Dual Enrollment with Wallace Community College)
●        Pre-Engineering
●        Television Production
●        Welding
●        PLTW - Automation and Robotics/Space and Flight (DPA)
●        City of Dothan Proclamation - Tuesday, February 4, at 10 AM at City of Dothan Commission
●        Job Shadow Day - Over 80 students will spend a half-day with local businesses on February 2nd to observe and see how leaders in their potential career field interact and navigate the daily work responsibilities.
●        CTE 10th Graders participate in WOW (Southeast Worlds of Work) to include hands-on, career-driven experiences in over 10 different industry sectors.
●        Career Coach CTE Program Presentation at C9A
●        CTE Registration for 2025-2026 School Year

